Just having a few quiet thoughts today. I thought maybe i would start saying Steve in said of Savoy (because of steven savoury from school. savoury has all the letters of the word savoy. mad!).
So it will be like "alright james fancy a swift one down the steve tonight"
I tried to think of some more. But couldnt
03-08-2003 20:02:29
but savory doesn't rhyme with Savoy!!!
Alex B
09-08-2003 00:31:19
One of my supervisors is a linguist. I had lots of trouble convincing him that people did actually sue cockney rhyming slang (as a piss-take or not) in Swindon.
Sue or use?
I use it from time to time, as does James and a number of other Swindonians. I was the only person on my floor that used it, which was strange as two of them were geezers from London.
I don't think I use it as a piss-take all the time, as I say "I'm cream crackered" if I'm tired, of "Off to bo-peep" etc, without being aware I'm using it. Perhaps your linguist teacher should come here and experience it him/herself?
Alex B
09-08-2003 16:45:11
I meant use.
I think he ought to come here, and we should take him out. He's a lovely man, and I think he'd very much appreciate the Wheatsheaf, though might be a little confused by Mission.
He once got my friend Chris drunk, buying him something in the region of seven drinks, to watch his accent change (Chris grew up in Belfast, now lives in Birmingham and is Spanish).
You're having a girraffe arnt ya?
Your aving a bit of a bubble bath woman!