

06-08-2003 17:52:26

This week my mum has bout "frisps". They are so so nice, but i wasnt sure if they beat my other favourite crisps, scampi flavor nik naks or discos.

I think ill stick to my nik naks.


06-08-2003 17:53:46

sawfinger frisps are fucking wicked crisps man!

Cant go wrong with the monster munch though.


06-08-2003 17:54:23

but where is monster munch on the list????


06-08-2003 18:05:14

i knew i would forget some. i liked pickled onion monster munch as well! and space invaders! how do i edit polls?


06-08-2003 22:17:19

Edit the first post you made.



07-08-2003 17:54:25

Nope didnt work


07-08-2003 20:44:20

I added Monster Much for you :-)


Alex B

08-08-2003 23:12:53

Found it very difficult choosing between discos and squares, but only in the salt and vinegar stakes-do squares do any flavour besides salt and vinegar? Plain discos-well, you may as well have any other type of crips really.
For plain it's going to be the one you put teh salt on yourself-they're great just for the novelty value.


09-08-2003 10:27:08

Ah, Salt n' Shake... or whatever. They've re-launched them now under the name of Walkers.
