Member List


03-09-2003 13:31:20

Apologies if there already is one here, but we should have a list of members as you can't tell who the Drunkit members are unless they post things.

Perhaps have it ranking in number of posts like on the old Drunkit - showing name, number of posts and the 'babycham fan' type ratings.


03-09-2003 18:36:48

We already have it, albeit well hidden



04-09-2003 07:55:13

Thought it might be there somewhere!

How come I rank 16 even though I have more posts than people at 11-15!?


04-09-2003 09:08:11

Ranked by date joined rather then posts :wink:


04-09-2003 09:12:13

Yeah I can see that, but it should be by number of posts!


04-09-2003 10:22:25 the top it says "Select sort method:"

Change this to "Total Posts" and "Descending"



04-09-2003 11:28:34

Ah I did not see that!

Probably because my browser window is about 3" by 3" so my boss doesn't see what I'm doing! Heh heh!