last night


04-09-2003 11:50:39

Me Elliott and the Spoon drank a bottle of Lidl rum then wandered down town. We went to Kasbah and danced and sent a text message to the DJ for some reason.

Then we walked home and they let us in to Po na na at 12:40 (it closes at 1:00) and it was CRAP!!! They play Nu-Metal and its full of of 16 year old goth type wierdos.

Then we went home and played Jenga. The peferct night!

Oh and John Farrow said I have no style or dress sense. What the fuck does he know. I was voted best dressed male at the recent smash hits awards.

I really am finding it difficult to sober up.


04-09-2003 12:12:09

I don't quite understand the poll...

Didn't realise Po Na Na was goth on Wednesday now.

We went to Casbah on Tuesday night - it was dead. A few wannabee Karaoke stars and some old people. All of town was quiet too.

Hope you texted the DJ something hilarious.

Mission tonight? You know you want to.



04-09-2003 12:22:48

Come on Jimbo - you know you want to! It would be morally wrong to not go on a Thursday! :lol:


04-09-2003 12:23:00

It was supposed to say. "what do you prefer" instead of the question "."

I'm tempted Sammio, but my guts are saying "arrrg Why do you poison me with such evil stuff" so I punch it in the guts to shut it up. That'll learn em


04-09-2003 12:25:32

You learn 'em good!

I still don't understand the question... Which do I prefer, Daddy or Chips? Am I missing something here, or are we being taken on a roller coaster ride into the crazy world of Jim's mind?



04-09-2003 12:27:37

Daddy or Chips.... Daddy or chips.... hmmm..... :?


04-09-2003 12:27:48

Have you not seen the advert with the little girl and her dad steals her chips Sam!?

....maybe I should get out more! :P


04-09-2003 12:31:41

I don't watch TV any more... Unless it's football, or something I've heard is really really good I generally don't bother.

My counterfeight DVD collection is growing by the day though!



04-09-2003 12:36:14

I still don't understand what it has to do with Jim's drunken antics...but hey!


04-09-2003 12:40:05

My first guess would be that he was running around Town shouting "Daddy or Chips" very loudly at confused onlookers.

I'd go for Daddy. Chips aren't as nice as roast potatoes.



04-09-2003 12:42:29

I took Daddy to mean Daddy's sauce. It's a bit nasty by itself... so I went for chips. Also, with chips you can pretend to be David Dickinson...

"Cheap as Chips"



04-09-2003 12:42:49

I just like polls to be honest. They help me decided stuff.

im going bowling with Spoon and Elliott now. I hope I'm not too drunk to win


04-09-2003 12:53:07



04-09-2003 21:19:27

Well I lost the bowling. But tom spooner fell over so it was worth it.