Are we getting too old?


04-09-2003 22:30:46

I'm not talking about the disgracefull age of the people in Mission but...

Lately I have found my hangovers become CONSIDERABLY worse than they were 4 years ago. I used to be able to go out Thursday, Saturday and Sunday many times (usually just Thursday and sat though)

Now I can hardly go out once a week. My hangovers don't last till the next afternoon. They last till the morning after the fucking hangover!

I'm so depresse. I think I'll be dieing soon at this rate.

Anyone else suffering this OAP thing?


05-09-2003 08:38:24

I'm afraid it happens to us all Jimbo!

When I was 17 I used to do an 11 hour shift on a Thurs, go home and go out clubbing, have 3 hours sleep before getting up for another 11 hour shift and then go out again! I could never do that now!

God, it took me a week to get over 3 nights in a row on bank holiday!



05-09-2003 09:29:57

It's because when we were 17, 4 cans of Stella would get us drunk.

Try drinking 4 cans of Stella now and see if you have a hangover... no chance.

We drink so much more that we get more hungover.

I got home smelling of VK last night...


05-09-2003 09:34:13

That's very true - I used to get hammered on 2 cans on white lightening when I was 15! Ahh the days...............he he!

Anyway, don't know what you lot are on about! I'm older than you!


05-09-2003 10:34:35

Sam, it's hardly surprising that you smelled of VK, being as you were grabbing people's bottles and pouring them over Jim and other people, while he was pouring them over you and other people.

Quite comic, although decidedly dangerous! The number of fights Matt and I have to stop you from getting in...



05-09-2003 11:01:25

A bit like me and you a few weeks ago, throwing drinks over each other...

I was drenched by the end. All fun and games!



05-09-2003 11:12:38

Except that we were only getting each other wet...

How's your head/guts this morning... we drank a lot of white lightning... It's amazing that we've actually found a way to make it pleasant...



05-09-2003 11:22:46

Ergh! I think it is impossible to make white lightning taste nice!?!


05-09-2003 11:25:41

Guts are fine. Looking forwards to a big lunch, I've got cravings for grease!

Head is slightly groggy but not horrific. I drank loads of water when I got in.
Claire's coming from London this evening for the weekend, so I can't be too hung over! A bit rude if I was...

Why do some people feel that fighting is going to solve their problems? Jim & I might have been a little boisterous on the dancefloor, but we certainly weren't offending anyone. If we accidentaly splashed someone else with VK that's unforunate, but certainly not good reason for that Ugly Biffa woman to ask her mates to start on us.

I'd like to punch her in the throat :evil:

Sam :-D:-D:-D


05-09-2003 11:27:20

I hate people who use violence to solve disputes.

I'd like to smash their heads in, they deserve it with that attitude.

Sam :wink:


05-09-2003 18:15:43

Drunk people can be assholes, I think you and Jim probably fited into that categor by the sound of things. It would be little wonder if somebody hit you, although i agree it would be unjustified. I'd be peeved if you threw drinks over me without any good reason.


05-09-2003 18:29:41

What would be a worthy reason for a complete stranger (male) throwing a drink over you? I suppose fire would be a good enough reason but with the stuff they drink it would not be very helpful at all


05-09-2003 21:49:20

Basically, Matt and I had to run Sam and Jim home to stop a group of people behind us starting on them...

Sam, you were being a total tosser and you were crashing in to people, empting their drinks on each other and generally getting in to fights... I had to stand between you and a guy at one point and explain that you were drunk. Matt had to promise someone he'd give you a kicking...

You were a little out of line. Like it nor not.
