

08-09-2003 07:59:56

Mission is officially dying - due to the sad turnout the past few Saturday nights, they are now doing BOGOF on Sats to lure people in.

It was also quite dead in there last night!

Thurs night was heaving, but once everyone is back at Uni. will it be quiet again!?



08-09-2003 08:08:14

To be honest, they could probably do with a bit of variation in their nights.

It's the same drinks, same music, same everything as it has been for years and I suppose some people are getting a bit bored :-(

And they play too much garage.



08-09-2003 11:28:27

Good points Sam.

It is very 'same old, same old' and I think for people who go every week, th novelty can wear off!

They need to get the DJ to play a different variation of music and make some changes.


08-09-2003 22:27:33

I think we stop it from death by inventing stuff like super-snakebite and suchlike. We're having far too much carnage to notice what's going on around us!



10-09-2003 10:59:15

We're pretty good at varying our nights around the same tried and tested formula.
I quite often feel that although we'll do the same things (ie my house then Steam then Mission), each night will be different.

Home Brew Night, Special Brew Night, Tennants Super Night, Super Snakebite Night are just a few recent examples.



10-09-2003 11:01:44

Yeah, even though we go to the Steam a lot, there are always different pints to try and different conversation to be had!



10-09-2003 11:42:18

I'm glad the drunkit support for mission is still there, but there is something that is lacking about Mission lately as it's has gone so quiet.