08-09-2003 14:35:59
...what would be a vast improvement to Mission that would make you want to go there more?
The place is already good looking, don't think it needs a refurb. Thursday's are as cheap as they could be so no need to cahnge the prices.
Don't particularly mind the underage kids, we all went through that stage ourselves!
Don't think theme nights would really work on a large scale, too many people take Mission too seriously.
Music needs a bit of a change, less r'n'b & garage, more good tunes.
I think we should create more of our own theme nights.
The usuals being Hawaain or Golf. They're always good fun.
08-09-2003 15:55:15
I think it could do with closing for 1 week and have a good clean to get rid of the sicky/cheesey feet smell near the toilets and lay a new carpet.
That carpet is at least 5 years old and think of how much cr@p is on that! That's at least 260 weekends of having beer, vk, cigarettes, sick etc on it! Yuck!
They do need to change the music - it's the same all the time!
Do you think it would go down well if they sectioned off the top dance floor and made an r'n'b room, had mission for dance music and coyote for cheese? Bit like d'nd?
To be honest. I've been going pretty much constantly for four(?) years or so...
How can anything beat that? No real factor stops me from going - it's cheap and fun.
More music might be an idea, but I don't usually notice it as I'm too drunk to care.
The best thing they could do would be to indroduce a better variety of drinks, such as the ability to buy draught pints of Stella or, even better, bitter! Then it'd be pretty much perfect on a Thursday - even if they charged ?1.50 for a pint and ?1.00 for bottles. It'd be a winner.