Best Pub Quiz Ever!


16-09-2003 11:41:16

Last night, during one of our now frequent weeknight pub visits, there was a pub quiz on. Hesitant at first, me, james and andrew decided to have a go, at the fairly steep price of £2 a head. We were hesitant as me and james have played a few pub quizes in our time and never come anywhere but last.
This was a nicely layed out pub quiz with many fun rounds - although we were pretty shit at it - one of our questions was "who is this person in the picture and what film was he in" - we answered (incorrectly) "gary kemp (from spandeu ballet) in Ghost". Anyway until the last question we were second from last, which would have been a major acheivement, but unfortunately we somehow ended up coming last yet again, keep up our 100% losing record.

ANYWAY to the point of this post - me and andrew had a hankering for a kebab after a casual nights drinking, but as we were about to leave, the man next to us told us that part of the pub quiz was free food! So we got in line and we each got a FREE plate of chille and chips! Result! No need to spend my hard earned cash on some fake meat in a half baked pitta, as i had a lovely meal free of charge (actually it wasnt that lovely, it was stupidly hot chille, probably some evil ploy by the landlord to make us buy more drinks)

But a fancy pub quiz and a free meal! What a night, all for £2 (and the £10 i spent on beer)

Be there next week - 8 'o' clock, steam railway and see if you can do better than last!

Actually this is almost long enough to be a report! Bollocks


16-09-2003 17:57:12

Fucking seriously its the best chilli ever! Steamingly hot but propper Bo I tell thee.


17-09-2003 07:51:53

£2 - What a bargain! :P