Jimmy's street cred rises in the hood


24-09-2003 10:48:04

In accordance with section 1 of the road traffic offenders act 1988, notice is hereby given of the intention to take proceedings against the driver of the motor vehicle identified below.

on 25/08/03 at 11:47 on a338 Wessex Way Bournemouth@Cooper Dean RBT, Westbound for the alleged offence of exceeding 50Mph Speed limit.

Recorded speed: 73Mph

A penalty of £60.00 and 3 point endorsement on your driving license.

I'm so cool. 8)


24-09-2003 11:09:48

3 points eh! Ive got 7


24-09-2003 11:30:39

He he! Oh dear! Naughty Jimbo!


29-09-2003 11:04:15

I've finally found my driving license. now i have to make the long walk to the end of the street to post it :cry:


29-09-2003 11:42:13




29-09-2003 11:43:14

Make sure you don't lose it in the hedge!!! :lol:


29-09-2003 15:31:12

my pal's pal's pal was driving home from work one day along a quiet road and he slowed as he approached a speed camera, but it still snapped him. :x

Being in no hurry he reversed back past the speed camera and went through again even slower this time. :? Once again it snapped him so he reversed for a final time and crawled through at about 5mph with it snapping him again. :-D After this he just carried on home. A few weeks later he got three envelopes through the door fining him for driving without a seat belt! :shock:

Probably not true but its a great story if it is!

Alex D

29-09-2003 21:22:05

you never heard of not signing the NIP loop-hole.??....personally i didn't have the guts to try it and signed the form and a cheque for £60 and posted it....my cash was probably wasted on another speed bump my car can't get over!

speed cameras bloody every where!!!! i hate the ones they have in the back of vans the most! pure fleecing


30-09-2003 09:08:14

Its as likely to be real as the old trick of sending £60.01 and not cashing the penny cheque they return to you. Legally they are not meant to be able to take your money unless the exact amount is settled


30-09-2003 09:48:53

Surely they have already taken the £60 when they refund the £0.01 though?

If you decide not to cash the cheque then that is your own problem as they will have it on record that they have sent you it?


30-09-2003 10:15:24

It might never have arrived? damn post!
Its a wives tale as far as im concerned anyway 8)


30-09-2003 10:27:37

But from their point of view, if an auditor was to look at their accounts they would see a cheque was made out to the driver.

If the driver said they had never received it, they could easily cancel the old one and reissue a cheque and send by recorded delivery.

I'm pretty sure it is! It would never work!


30-09-2003 13:40:15

Remeber the intellect of your average copper tho

Alex D

01-10-2003 09:01:15

legally they can't apply the points until all financial transactions are complete

btw mike, watch out for the M4...specs has gone live......c*unts


01-10-2003 10:48:34

They will make a fortune from that, i did 75-80 all the way back to reading and was the slowest car on the road

Alex D

01-10-2003 13:41:22

do what i do, take the licence plate off the front of the car!! i'l burn in hell one day


01-10-2003 18:50:16

You can get special paint that makes the numberplate perfectly legible normally, but illegible if photographed.

That'd be neat.



02-10-2003 09:44:41

Cool, I'd love to get my hands on a tin of that! (Not that my car goes that fast anyway!!)

I'm convinced some cameras just flash and have no film in anyway. I got flashed last summer when I was in Hemel Hempstead doing 50mph in a 40mph - never had anything for it!

I was doing at least 80-85 all the way down the M25 on the way there too and theres loads of them on there!