Note: This started as a quick answer, but quickly turned in to a lengthy history of Drunkit... Sorry! I'm not known for my short, punchy replies!
Mike and I were thinking one night about setting up a site reviewing drinks and night life in Swindon. At the same time, there was a company called freenetname who gave away free domains. Being interested in this prospect, Mike and I decided it'd be cool to get a site going. Thus became the birth of the original Mission Review. Surprisingly, some people actually found it funny and over the next few weeks, more content was added and people drifted in and out of the site.
At this point, Mike and I realised that a domain name would be cool. and similar were all taken. But we didn't want to be restricted to being drunk. Instead, we'd prefer to proudly state that'd we'd "drunk it" before anyone else had. Hence!
The early days on were interesting. Few people visited, except for James and Alex Dean. Mike and I visited occaisionally, but it was these two that kept the original guestbook going. The guestbook, of course, wasn't the best place for conversation and we realised quickly that some kind of messageboard was needed for drunkiteers to post on and share their views. Not knowing much about web programming, I downloaded a script from the net and heavily modified it to work with Drunkit. Thus was the birth of the original messageboard.
As time moved on, I was being emailed a lot of articles, which I had to edit and turn into the correct code to put on Drunkit. I then had to alter each file on Drunkit manually to reflect the new articles. This was a tedious process and often resulted in articles not being put up for a week after I recieved them. This made people frustrated and I realised that if this was automated, it'd save me a lot of work and would encourage more members to post their own Drunkit content.
The birth of the article system was a slow one. I accredit this to the fact that people were leaving for university at the time and therefore were more interested in getting drunk than writing about it. In time, however, this changed. Bobby's 'Big Bournemouth House' reports and Sam's ski-tales quickly livened up the site and more people were encouraged to post articles. At this point, the numbers of contributors peaked and some of the finest articles this site has seen were produced (such as Lizzie/Mikes birthday, the largest round in mission history, new years eve etc). In this vein Drunkit continued for a good few months, until April 2002, where disaster struck. The server on which Drunkit was hosted died. To make matters worse, the backup copies were damaged too in a hard disk failure and Drunkit was very actually dead. It seemed.
This was until January 2003, when I decided enough was enough and that Drunkit should return! Bigger, better and badder than before. While that's not yet happened (indeed, the whole article system is dissapointing compared to what it used to be like - as well as the general number of submissions; including their inspiration), Drunkit is constantly getting cooler. The message board was finally replaced from a tree-styled sounding board into a forum, while keeping the general Drunkit look and feel. In the future, Drunkit is set to undergo a major overhaul of the interface (lets face it, while functional, it's pretty ugly!) as well as a
tighter intergration with the forums.
All in all, the future's looking quite good for Drunkit