I got a new dog


28-10-2003 10:30:55

His name is Jack and he is a springer spaniel. Ill take a photo for you soon.

He really needs to be nutored :evil:


28-10-2003 10:39:26

Cool, is the dog bigger or smaller than an average-sized sack of commercial rice?



28-10-2003 10:45:16

why does everything have to be comparable to rice


28-10-2003 11:24:04

Hes smaller than tilly. and i think hes a homosexual. He wants to shag everything but Tilly.

Hes going to get nutored tomorrow with two large bricks...

"Doesnt that hurt?"

"Only if you dont get your fingers out the way ! :o


28-10-2003 11:26:37

Aww! Is he a puppy? What colour is he?


28-10-2003 11:29:18

He's about 1 year old so he isnt a puppy as such. He was a rescue dog from Wales. "Woof Boyo"

Hes white with brown spots


28-10-2003 11:30:15

Explains the sexual preference


28-10-2003 11:38:42

Tilly does NOT like him :evil:


28-10-2003 11:41:15

My dogs didnt get on to begin with either. The puppy kept trying to pull rank


28-10-2003 11:47:19

Hes such a little shit though. I dont like him. Just let him wander off and I find him terrorising the cat and drinking from the toilet! :evil:

He cant go in the garden because he just goes and sits in the pond like a hippo :evil:


28-10-2003 11:48:51

dont we all


28-10-2003 12:49:53

He he!!! :lol:

He's only young though - he should grow out of the puppy-like behaviour! But you'll have to train him to behave too!


28-10-2003 15:05:51


28-10-2003 15:49:18

Thats one ugly dog. Looks like its owner


28-10-2003 18:45:42

That dog looks quite scary.

Right height for nutting bollocks...



28-10-2003 22:11:38

that picture took me fucking ages. Do you know how hard it is to get a dog to sit still!

Alex D

30-10-2003 10:12:51

is the new dog gay now the vet cut his balls off?