A Proper Serious Poll.....


11-12-2003 11:15:09

Im well bored


11-12-2003 11:17:36

I wonder what the chances are of everyone voting their own are?


11-12-2003 11:24:51

well ive chosen mine :o


11-12-2003 11:38:35

Wanker. I tried to play fair, now ive got a wasted vote on dave lenehan


11-12-2003 11:58:19

I cant lose now!
I voted for james still tho :?


11-12-2003 13:26:16

Mike, did you not see the word "CURRENTLY" in the poll? You cant just change it to beat everyone! You still had the funny dancing thing


11-12-2003 14:18:18

I already admitted defeat tho. Out of respect for the children i had to remove Jacko but if you like people should only vote for him and not my new one.


11-12-2003 14:21:00

Athought currently my avatar is Winston....
I was misled by this poll being adversited as just being a bit of fun


11-12-2003 14:37:28

You just dont read do you mike. Next time, play by the rules, or ill get you chucked out of this forum


11-12-2003 14:54:01

Oh yeah i forgot you also had moderator rights.....


11-12-2003 14:54:29

By the way im sorry i put this thread in the wrong forum. My mistake.


11-12-2003 14:55:53

I don't like the cut of your jiblets m' boy. Any more of that tone and ill bend ya over me knee and give ya a right royal spanking.


11-12-2003 14:55:58

You dont want to mess with me


11-12-2003 14:59:25

Moved it for you
Dont need to thank me mind


11-12-2003 15:07:36

Thank you. Your jiblets are still pissing me off though!


11-12-2003 15:18:24

They can get quite cocky every now and again


16-12-2003 23:44:45

Alex B

20-12-2003 00:15:24

What's an Avatar?
Sounds like something from the Starwars cartoon I remember from when I was little (does anyone else remember that, or did I just make it all up in my head as a kind of mental protection from Open University programmes when watching 6am tv aged 4?)


20-12-2003 09:58:33

It does ring a bell, like a big deamon thing or something. An avatar is that little picture that is by all of your messages, in my case that purple spanky thing.

If you edit your profile you can chose one thats already on the server, or upload your own.