lifts home

Alex B

20-12-2003 01:00:31

My sister's just been brought home from babysitting in a stretch limo. I've told her she has to someday be brought home in a policecar, to keep things even.
Have any Drunkiteers ever been brought home in a policecar?


20-12-2003 11:08:32

Nope we tryed to get a lift once when taxis were unavailable and offered to cause trouble if it would help.
I know lots of people that get warnings and taken home for fighting so i think it was unreasonable to decline the offer


20-12-2003 11:51:19

Never. But i once saw a police car - at night!


20-12-2003 12:54:06

I've been in the armed response unit, but he was just giving me a lift home from his house 'cos I fixed his computer.

Something comforting being in a car with a few machine guns and anti-terrorist devices.


Alex D

20-12-2003 16:22:55

i feel ashamed. am i the only person to be brought home in a police car?


27-12-2003 12:01:17

A friend of mine was taken home in the VodBull SickMobile - a car with bin bag lined seats to take the over-inebriated home.

The marvellous vehicle hasn't been seen for a few months, not sure why though.
I should start a campaign to get it back!



27-12-2003 13:33:50

Probably lack of applicants to drive it...

Would YOU want to drive that thing around??


Alex B

27-12-2003 23:26:33

I certainly wouldn't (excluding the fact I can't drive). I certainly wouldn't want to be riding ni the back or cleaning up after. I do St John Ambulance stuff, and to quote my somewhat cynical mate James: 'give me the bleeders over the chuckers any day'.