What are your plans?


22-12-2003 22:24:19

For the Following:

Christmas Eve
Saturday the 27th
New years eve

Christmas Eve- Round some wankers house with a bottle of Skittles Vodka. Then off to the pubs in old town for about 8-9ish. Then Mission

Saturday the 27th- ???? Not sure yet.

New years eve. Pubs pubs pubs follwed by house party at Tims house (all invited including Mike). But only if he is moved in in time. If not it will be back to someone elses house as late as possible to drink all night and play fun games.


22-12-2003 22:25:34

Oh and what am I doing for my 21st?


23-12-2003 08:51:32

Christmas Eve - Pubs and Mission!

Sat 27th - Not too sure yet, maybe Savoy and Po's?

New Years Eve - was going to the apartment, but not anymore so either going to Bristol or going to Tim's party.

Your 21st is a Weds so you could do the £10 all you can drink at D&D or go to Po's on the Thurs? Have a house party?

Alex D

23-12-2003 11:16:15

Crimbo Eve - I'll be out somewhere

Sat 27th - not even thought about it yet

New Years Eve - Tims party or house party in London, or going out in London

My 21st (2days before jimbos) - getting the heck out of swindon


23-12-2003 13:05:05

Christmas eve - the old skittle vodka round mine! actually it'll probley taste rubbish unless you do it right now james! And then missioning it. I cant wait till they play shaking stevens!

Sat 27th - Probably pub (savoy, steam, wheatsheaf, (maybe new ones like revolutions or walkabout!)) then club (mission, po na na).

New years eve - Pubs and Timmy timmy timmys party. It had better happen now as everyone has got it on their list!