
Alex B

26-12-2003 20:14:59

Does anyone know any good ways of getting rid of headaches?


26-12-2003 20:39:03



27-12-2003 11:34:18

Water is the cure for everything.

I'd like to moan at the quality of Swindon tap water though. It's horrible - whenever I spend time somewhere else (especially Brum, where we get nice Welsh water) then come home to Swindon, I notice the chemical taste.
Swindon water is like swimming pool water. And it blocks up the kettle.

Anyway, it's still good for headaches.

What do YOU think of the water in different parts of the country :?:



27-12-2003 13:33:05

Living in Wales, I also get Welsh water.

I wouldn't call it 'lovely', as it's softer water than Swindon's.

I would say that I've been brought up on super-hard and manly water whereas Sam has been brought up on girly soft water. The clear result of this is Sam being less of a man.

Although, honestly, I don't really mind... after a week or two you just get used to the water whereever you live.

A good cure for headaches is a reasonable amount of water, alongside rest and/or something to keep your mind off it. I find playing a first-person shooter helps.



27-12-2003 14:25:07

A good old moan about water eh! We got some good shit down in bournemouth!

Alex B

27-12-2003 23:36:31

Not sure what to make of Cambridge water. My housemates from Bath, Wales and Devon all maintain 'it's minging', but I don't mind it. Think I prefer Swindon's-I'm not a big soft water fan.
Whereever the water's from, it does sod all for my headaches, I'm afraid, ditto aspirin -next!


28-12-2003 10:09:54


Alex B

28-12-2003 13:58:58

As Harry Hill said of cocaine 'awfully moreish'.
Also rather hard to get hold of.


28-12-2003 23:41:38


Alex B

04-01-2004 13:56:52

Extreme, and not necessarily effective, but I'll bear it in mind.... or not.


04-01-2004 15:31:41

Isn't labotomy where you squish butterfiles in a book?


04-01-2004 19:53:01

Its very soothing

Alex B

15-01-2004 00:39:31

Except for the butterflies


15-01-2004 19:09:02

If they didnt enjoy it why would they take part?

Alex B

28-01-2004 19:08:00

One of those things that seemed like a good thing to agree to at the time.


10-02-2004 01:15:31

the only sure way to rid a headache is the complete removal of the head. You can download a document on rabies at: - this is relavent because google came up with only one result for "safe head removal".

Alex B

10-02-2004 19:12:12

Well, I'll have to contact my Health District Office or Department of Epidemeology for a video and stock up on zip-lock bags...