Swindon bird from The Salon


07-01-2004 13:37:56

http://www.channel4/entertainment/tv/mi ... Gina_.html

This is the bird that was in the curry house on NYE - dunno what she was doing in there though as apparantly her favourite food it chinese! :?


07-01-2004 13:45:07

Name: Gina
Age: 24

I have been involved in the health and beauty industry for 12 years
I wonder who employed her as a 12 year old ?


07-01-2004 13:46:39

http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/t ... craig.html

He's from Chippenham. I park outside his house every day and I sold him a phone once. 8) And he's a raving bender.


07-01-2004 13:53:46

Yeah I wondered about that!! What exactly does she mean by 'involved'?? Did they do tests on her as a kid or something?! I wonder which school she went to - I'm sure she told us in the curry house when Brad was trying to chat her up and make out he was asking for Ersan!!!

Oh my god!!!! I can't quite tell from the pictures but that looks like my mates ex boyfriend!! If it is - he is an absolute twat!


07-01-2004 13:55:58

Unless your mate is a bloke. Its not him.


07-01-2004 14:00:55

Is he gay???? :shock:

I should of known - he's pretty!


07-01-2004 14:07:30

He is the gay scene of Chippenham. He minces around my store all the time. Dirty bastard.


07-01-2004 14:17:25

Damn - Typical!!!

Alex B

15-01-2004 00:50:13

Yeah, actually, my first thought was 'I bet they did experiments on her at 12' too! Can't get the link to work though, so don't know who she is or if she has radioactive teeth or anything.


15-01-2004 19:07:39

Maybe she lied to get on the show?


16-01-2004 14:30:25

My cousin works on the Salon and asked me to go on. But I was too scared of all the gays so I told her to cram it.

Alex D

16-01-2004 19:38:01

i'd go on the salon!



16-01-2004 23:41:50

grow your hair a bit and i might be able to sort something out 8)

Alex D

17-01-2004 16:53:36

cool....i was growing my hair anyway!!
