Gnome sex!


23-01-2004 01:06:31

Ahahahahaha Gnome sex :-D:-D:-D


23-01-2004 02:04:54



23-01-2004 11:48:13

Hahah I just remembered that. Its Deanno's fetish it seems.

Alex D

23-01-2004 19:44:11

hahahahahaa yeah i was so drunk i confused gnomes with dwarfs.....i'd seen some dwarfs in a compromising position earlier in the week!

Alex D

25-01-2004 17:55:09

i wish i could add a picture to this thread. last night i managed to get a photo, with my phone camera, of james towering over some 'gnomes'.



25-01-2004 20:59:38

its not very good :(


25-01-2004 21:25:09

The easiest way to put pictures on drunkit is to make a drunkit mobile account and then upload the file there. Click the image and you'll get something like:,app ... /apple.gif

Copy this location and then put it in image tags:
[img],app ... /apple.gif[/img]

You'll then see a nice image:

Alex D

25-01-2004 21:36:31

jimbo! love the avatar! i must apologise i was very very drunk when i took it. Hense the blurdness, it was my alcoholic shaking!


25-01-2004 21:38:47

I turned away to order my booze. Look at the little gnome man 8)

Alex D

26-01-2004 19:26:01

dont forget he was standing next to his little gnome lady

Alex B

28-01-2004 01:42:40

He looks a bit like Paul Daniels.


28-01-2004 01:45:13

And that's magic!