Drinking Games


14-07-2003 07:45:35

Who knows some good drinking games??

last one I played was "i can see the moon" a classic game consiting of looking through the bottom of a spirits bottle and saying "i can see the moon and he's .........." (fill in the blank) people are adjudged to have failed if they don't say "errr" (or similar) before stating the activity and they then have to take a gulp/shot from the bottle.

It's a classic, people sit and analyse the activities and completely miss the point.


14-07-2003 07:59:43

I played a similar game where people had to trace an outline of the Man in the Moon with a stick on the floor.

Unless you coughed before you started, you had to drink. Very hard to work out unless you've seen it before!


14-07-2003 10:25:46

We should play drinking games more frequently.



14-07-2003 10:52:00

21 is a classic, everyone knows how to play that one.
Also there are any number of drink while you think games which are equally entertaining, the best in my opinion being the name game.

Say the name of a celebrity/well known person, i.e. Tony Blar, then the next person must say a name begining with B (i.e. Brian Wilson) then the game carries on thus. If a person says a name which alliterates (i.e. Mckey Mouse) the direction around the cirle is reversed, if they say a one word name (i.e. Madonna) it skips a person, if you get a three or more word (double barreled counts) name (i.e. Tara Palmer-Tomkinson) everyone has to drink apart from you.

Knowledge of football makes this game easy as there are many footballers with varied names, as such it usually results in many drunk girls.


14-07-2003 13:44:34

You always have to play with a 'Thumbmaster' or similar.

For those who don't know, the Thumbmaster has to discreetly place his thumb on the table - the last person to follow suit drinks.

This can be extended from thumbs toi actions. One particularly drunken night in Brum resulted in a mate Owen getting his ball sack out - we all followed. Pulling Moonies is also a popular choice of action.

On Thursday should be designated Drinking Games Night.

All with Tennants Super!


Alex B

14-07-2003 18:56:24

The one I consider king of drinking games is one known as 'Ring of Fire', played with a pack of cards and actually many drinking games in one (including Thumbmaster, 21, Buster Rhymes, 7s, Drink or Dare etc).

I think I introduced this to seveal people at a barbeque at Leigh Debbage's about a year back, resulting in someone (possibly me) phoning a curry house in Birmingham and asking if they delivered to Old Town, and Sam eating a mixture of freeze dried coffee and mashed banana.
All the fun.

I'm not very good at drinking games though, since
a) a lot of them involve maths, and
b) I have short term memory problems even before alcohol is involved.


15-07-2003 01:38:17

Carlsberg Special bew this week instead, or stick with the tennents?

I'll check the price...



16-07-2003 09:34:34

game of ring of fire once resulted in me drinking a 2 pints of cder and wine mixture. I later passed out in the street and was alone unconcious for about an hour, possibly nearner two.

Not playing again, ever.