Skiving Lectues/ seminars/ hym practice


15-03-2004 09:42:39

You're all uni dudes and dudettes right? How many of you have attended 100% of classes this accademic year?

Right now I am supposed to be in first year accounting. I'm not because its a first year class and I have no friends. Its a three hour lecture so I thought turning up at 10:30 would be good enough. I hate the 10 minute fag break in between because I have to stand on my own not smoking.

Apart from today I have been to nearly all my classes this year. Luckily I dont have lectures friday morning so I can stay hungover all day. When I was at uni I went to about 75% of lectures. This was because

a)Uni was bloody miles away and I kept having to wait for 100 busses to arrive before I could fit on

b) I hated my lessons because they were boring

c) I couldnt resist the temptation of going out 2 or three times in the week so often slept through them.

Now I'm back in pikey Swindon my attendance has been pretty damn good due to

a) having a car

b) liking the course (a bit more)

c) not going out in the week as much (because all my friends are at uni)

d) Its the only time I get to leave the house really.

Lord oh lord I cant wait till I finish this crappy student life.

RIP Jim the student :(


15-03-2004 12:01:35

ive missed just one lecture in my final year. But then ive heard this year is fairly important...


15-03-2004 12:04:13

and what was that reason sir mike?


15-03-2004 12:05:47

I'm not the best, but I make about 65% of lectures. If I skip them, it's because I don't need to go to them rather than because I'm lazy.



15-03-2004 12:10:33

Oh yeah I didnt bother with my accouting lecture in the end. I'm writing about collective bargaining. Now thats reason enough to keep anyone home. Right?


15-03-2004 12:11:28

I think i just didnt want to go, it was a friday and my lectures this year are all 3 hours and boring. I made someone go for me and take notes tho!


15-03-2004 13:22:58

i reckon i make about 95% only remember missing 2 or 3 this year.


15-03-2004 14:17:55

Thats dedication for a cement mixer matt! 8)


16-03-2004 10:00:49

Hay jimbo i'm no longer into cement and stuff, quit after yr 1 I'm a second year geographer, hence I get a week in Berlin during easter to go field trippin'

Alex B

27-03-2004 17:46:45

I went to only one lecture last term, and probably about 45% of the ones which were technically on my subject the term before.
This was mostly because the lectures are really random and at the same time extremely specific, so lots aren't relevant.
Not a lot of point in, say, going to 8 lectures on 'Landscape in Ezra Pound' when he's not one of the authors I want to cover, and it means I can spent more time reading stuff I actually intend to write about in an exam.