Lost on my first go... lost 6-4 on my second...
About to try for my third time... This could take a while...
23-07-2003 12:03:21
Too fucking hard! my best was 6-2!
I just won the first level 6-5
23-07-2003 17:40:46
theres always one smart arse.
I've since won it 6-2 but I can't win the second level, its really hard. damn the angry red slime!!!
Was 5-0 up and lost 6-5...
Am angry about this game, but must continually play until I get past the first level.
Yay, just won it 6-2...Come on red man...
Bah, I can beat white consistently now, but red is too hard and I can't be arsed to keep beating white to play him!
I give in!
Cool! You get a black thing in the next round...
I lied... I couldn't help myself. Beat red 6-2. Beat that Mr CC.
...the slime* masters serves are impossible.
I give up now.
Keep losing 6-0.
cant wait for my windows update to finish so i can see what the hell you are all talking about
A roller coaster ride of an impossible-to-beat game...
It's damned hard and I just can't beat the slime master to get my trophey as the ultimate slime volley ball player in the world.
Right i must beat red slime now!!
on with the volleyball!
Aparantly there are five levels!
The third is solid enough... let alone the fourth and fifth... I dread to think...
the second is hard enough, best i've managed s a 6-4 loss
You suck.
I beat him 6-2 the second time round!
Mwa ha ha ha ha!
Hint: I go for serve and volley.
have you tried the other games, football and cricket are wicked!!
The white one is too easy and the red one too hard! Stupid angry slime
27-07-2003 17:11:34
beat white, got as far as 6-1 on red
6-0 and all...
Now I'm on psycho slime...
Psycho slime is impossible. I've got as far as him three times now and it's just too hard...
Got onto black slime master. Im yet to find his weakness
31-07-2003 16:20:08
any tips????
I just lose every point
With the first two, bounce the ball at the back wall first then jump forward and lob them for your serve.
Stay close to the net and keep vollying everything that comes over. I win consistently against them. Serve and volly in other words.
The black one you can only win by spiking the ball down on to the court or from serving. If you tap forward very quickly when serving, the ball will bounce off the back wall, on to your head and over the net. This seems to ace the black one 90% of the time. That and just hit the ball short and down.
I rarely score against psycho, so I can't give any tips for him.
i can get on to black but i just cant beat him. Im scared of this psycho slime though. I hate remembering my 18th birthday, sort it out matt!
You gotta post more messages Bob to get a higher ranking!
PS. I just walked back from Mission. Very drunk and very wet!
Just lost against psycho slime again... 6-3 this time.
Man he's hard!
aaaahhhhhhhh damn it! 5-0 up against black slime and still lost!
james cant even get past the first level-loser
At last i reached the dreaded psycho slime. but cant beat him. best ive done is scored 3 goals! this is the best game ever though!!!!!!
I managed only three against the psycho...
Hard stuff.
Just lost 4-6 to the psycho. Can get to him nearly every time now.
Damn hard all the same!
you realise that when you lose you can simply press 'c' and it lets you play the same slime again?
I realised it a little while back... But before I got to psycho I didn't know that... Which was annoying!
Does anyone play this anymore?
I STILL can't get past psycho-slime!
I have the odd go now and again, and have got to psycho slime a few times but i cant get past him either. I think the best ive done is 2 goals
18-08-2003 18:35:44
Lying toe rag. He hasnt' even beaten the first slime!
fine next time i get there i will send you a screen shot. twat cock end
I still see no screenshot...