Who's out...?
I will be, as I'll have finished my resit by then. I reckon it should be a turbo-snakebite night...
Its exam results day so it will be a sweat fest.
Also you will need to be there by 8.30 to ensure entry
Shit, you're right, forgot about that.
We'll have to go to a park bench instead.
12-08-2003 21:59:06
it will be shite.
me and bob are off surfing at the weekend so we need to get prepared for that.
im tempted to go out on a turds-day as i havnt done one LARGE for ages but i think tommorow might be the wrong one.
13-08-2003 18:47:15
no bob. PO na na will be absolutely wankerific!
Come on you know you want to!