Curry this Thursday


05-07-2003 16:07:23

Matt G, Ross K and I agreed to visit the Curry Garden before Mission this week. PLans are in their early stages of development, but I think it;'s an exciting proposition.

Hope fully we could get a big group out. Ross also suggested having a curry before AND after Mission, which I thought was an amazing idea!



05-07-2003 17:22:00

No money until the 18th for me... I've done the amazing and HIT MY OVERDRAFT!



06-07-2003 19:08:29

A curry before and after mission is a bit hardcore for me. Id have to settle for marmaris before and after. Perhaps a lamb before and chicken after.

Id like something big to happen in mission this thursday. Like a bomb scare! Then everybody could go back on friday night![/quote]