thursday (tonight) In the SunsheeeeIne!


10-07-2003 11:22:33

So whos out tonight?

Its hot, the beer is waiting.

I think im tempted I got a job at Vodafone today. In Chippenham! so it means its my last Thursday of the year. Oh well at least I'll have the memories


10-07-2003 12:19:14

You can just pull sickies...

or go in drunk!

I'm out tonight... with the tennants.



10-07-2003 12:25:10

The plans for a curry tonight are looking increasingly less likely to happen - instead, tonight is Tennants Super Night!

Will be chaos :)



10-07-2003 16:10:26

Matt wrote:You can just pull sickies...

or go in drunk!

I'm out tonight... with the tennants.


I can't drive to Chippenham at 8 in the morning drunk. Thats just to extreme for me!!!

And i'm too poor to take a sicky. I got offered a job at the Marriot today but FUCK THEM! 8 hours a week on ?4.49! your having a laugh aren't you??? And it took me 3 interviews and 6 weeks to get that crappy fucking job as a..... Bar man! I'd understand 3 interviews if i was full time or a manager or something! Does my fucking head in these bastard ass companies taking me for a ride.

I just wrote that without noticing so I'm not sure what it says.


10-07-2003 17:47:40

I hate james. He has FORCED me to go out even though ive got to be up at 7.30 in the morning and work for 8 hours, and then spend 2 hours on the train in the evening. It had better be worth it


11-07-2003 13:13:07

I didn't see you last night Bob...

Saw James though; he was a wreck.



11-07-2003 17:14:22

bob went home early so he could sleep like a poof.

I was tipsy till about 12:30ish then it all went goo gaa