Remember this time two years ago the excitment was already building about the biggest round ever! The fun of the cross keys before, the queue to get in, the laughter of the old bearded man, the dozens of tequilla roses and then the classic drinking competition that james pussyed out of. And now we are all boring old twats.
This year we could go for the smallest round ever and ask for 1/5 of a shot
Or no.
We could try and play "Nob Touch". Its a game my housemate told me about. You go around the club and have to get your nob and and touch it on a girl without her noticing. The one with the most "Nobtouches" wins!
16-12-2003 15:20:13
that sounds good.... but does your nob need to be out? or is it touch your croch?
Your nob actually has to be out and the bellend has to touch someone