Thursday 17th


16-07-2003 12:13:33

Tomorrow is going to be an unorthadox Thursday night.

On Friday Matt G has to be up at 6am to help his sister move house. I have to be at work all day and am then going to London for the weekend. I presume James has got work.
None of us can get as merry as we would like. Instead of getting larried at Mission, a few of us are going to the Curry Garden at 7.00 then a pub afterwalds (probably Steam).

If we get really tempted, we might go to Mission, but I can't be bothered to do it half-heartedly so shouldn't go at all.

Anyone else up for it?



16-07-2003 17:30:14

I went last week half heartedly and it was shit. Not much drinking and a lot of bordom. i left before twelve as i had work in the morning. But i have work this friday morning and still might go to mission coz im mad!
James hasnt got work on friday so he'll be out.


16-07-2003 19:22:59

James is always out.

I shalln't be out tomorrow as it stands.

Plenty of time to change my mind though...
