Im with Hot_Dog on this one, and i understand his/her reasons for wanting to remain anonymous. I've no idea who Hot_Dog is, but it has encouraged me to post my experience of chemicals.
Mikes' view of 'chemical happiness' is rather banal and ill informed. Im not criticising those that take that opinion, but thats how you would categorise E at its most basic level; It is a chemical; It makes you high. To those who have experimented, it is 'chemical happiness' yet so very much more! It has nothing to do with the individual not being able to be happy within themselves. Those Drunkiteers that know me, can easily see the fact im an incredibly happy person. But everyone has bad times!
Why do people take E? You drink to have a good night - people take E to have an amazing night!
But the bottom line remains. I've had the best nights of my life on chemicals! Life is all about experiences. E for me has opened the door to some amazing experiences and thoughts! True, it causes a slight break from reality, but ask yourself - is that a bad thing? We all day dream! If thats not a break from reality - what is?
Im not a regular user of E as i respect the fact it has very powerful effects on the brain, but it makes a welcome change to getting drunk. Say, special occasions. Taking E is not as simple as going out and getting drunk. You cant just drop a pill anywhere. It has alot to do with where you're going, who you're with and how you're feeling. You'll see that people that take E tend to be very responsible and mature about it. Like with everything though, you get a few twats that go OTT!
I also entierly agree with what Hot-Dog said about comedowns. Like with drinking, you dont dont always get hungover. You don't always have a comedown on pills! Comedown's make you feel spaced for a day, but no more than like you've missed a nights sleep - which you probably have! Personally I dont mind comedown's - i think they're quite amusing! Hangovers don't make me laugh!
I wanted to post my view so that there would be some actual first hand experiences(along with Hot_dogs') of the subject matter - not just speculation!
I wont start with Charlie - thats a whole new thread!