Illegal immigrants and regular immigrants


18-08-2003 22:49:27

Well how about it then.

Does this country need more people from pakistan to become doctors and lawyers? Do we all think that we need to help the less fortunate to build a better life for themselves?

Or do we need to control it all....



18-08-2003 23:28:56

I voted for the second option, but with reservations.

My reservations are:
a. I don't know what the criteria is to be legal/illegal. For example, if one is moving here because he or she may live off the state for no work (as some do), then that's bad. However, if he or she is having a shit time at home, and must come here to have a good chance at stuff, I am in favour - legal or not. Of course, confusing immigrants with aslyum seekers is all too tempting.

b. See a, just thought it was a strong enough reservation to point out twice.
