Fox Hunting


30-06-2003 21:49:12

I'm not here to devbate the rights and wrongs of fox hunting.

I'm more interested in how important it is to spend a whole day debating it... as if there aren't more important things to worry about.


01-07-2003 11:52:00

It's not that important, when we have a government that lies through its teeth about pretty much everything that goes on in this country, a questionable democracy in certain key points and a media that is starting to be saturated by US influence.

However, my opinion is that while fox hunters generally have a questionable argument towards their sport, protestors and animal-rights activists are more of a pest than foxes. The natural conclusion of this is that if the protestors believe that they are equal to all foxes, we should hunt them instead and therefore stop the debate dead as no one would be on the opposing side.



01-07-2003 12:05:22

But then we would get foxes marching and picketing etc, they do owe the protesters a protest!
I say make it even - give the foxes lazers strapped to their heads


01-07-2003 12:17:56

Two way lasers... Then both the foxes AND protestors would be dealt with effectively and without cruelty...



01-07-2003 12:23:44

You really are pro hunting arnt you?
that explains why you can never be found on a sunday
and the horse in your shed
and the gun


01-07-2003 19:20:53

and the stupid hat

... oh dear i took the joke too far


02-07-2003 18:37:30

It's actually all the men in those white, tight hunting pants...

I took it even further... :oops:
