07-10-2003 11:51:07
Not so much governement policy, or anything too political, but what rattles me at the moment is the lack of laws that prevent spam.
We have the data protection act, which specifies that any data collected should be used for its proper use, and I'm always very carefull to tick the box that says something almong the lines of:
Personally, I don't like it. A company can buy a list of email addresses from a company like bca (who i work for) for just £10 per 1000 (see for more details). And this is a UK based company (although NAZI sorry, German owned).
Does anyone else out there think there should be some international law passed to stop spam? Or does anyone here have a point i've missed that could justify spam as a ligitimate and/or positive form of advertising?
We have the data protection act, which specifies that any data collected should be used for its proper use, and I'm always very carefull to tick the box that says something almong the lines of:
Yet somehow, I still end up with 20 (no joke) spams a day asking me if I want a bigger johnson, breast remodelling, a low cost loan, or diploma (to name but a few)."If you do not wish to recieve future mailings or offers from, its affiliates or specially selected third parties, please check this box: "
Personally, I don't like it. A company can buy a list of email addresses from a company like bca (who i work for) for just £10 per 1000 (see for more details). And this is a UK based company (although NAZI sorry, German owned).
Does anyone else out there think there should be some international law passed to stop spam? Or does anyone here have a point i've missed that could justify spam as a ligitimate and/or positive form of advertising?