Michael Howard


09-11-2003 02:25:42

It was only a matter of time before I commented on this. A new leader of the Conservative party. Here are my thoughts:
  • He was seen as probably the nations second political biggest enemy between 1990-1997, with the biggest being Michael Portillo.
  • His parents are immigrants
  • He is trying to reform the Conservative Party.
However, with Michael Portillo reinventing himself recently, with his period of reflection between 1997-1999, Michael Howard changing wouldn't be impossible, and this is what I think has happened.

The Conservatives have actually got some good policy. Primarily, they intend on scrapping tuition fees and making education fair. What do I mean by fair? Well, since 1979, the percent of working class students has hardly changed, going from 23% in 1979 to 26% in 2001. 3% isn't a massive increase and since that time the definition of a university/degree has changed, with the renaming of polytechnics and the upgrading of a number of colleges to university status. Labour said in 1997 that they had no plans to introduce tuition fees (both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown claimed this), however, within a month of being elected, they introduced them. Again, in their 2001 manifesto, they claimed they would not introduce top-up fees, yet are about to do so.

This kind of thing happens with the Labour government across the field - in education, transport, health, services and many other aspects of public life, people are being let down by a Labour government obsessed with tax and spend. Instead of delivering on their promises, they fool the public by telling them what they won't do, instead of what they are doing. It turns out that they usually do it anyway.

However, the government has gotten away with this due a disunited Opposition and a weakened media. With Michael Howard in charge of the Conservatives and making remarks such as "I will lead the party from the centre" and "Our party will be internationalist in outlook", Labour no longer are in the comfort zone of being unexposed. If it's policy, the Conservatives have some now, if it's presentation, only time will tell.

One thing is for sure though, we are no longer under an unchecked and unchallenged dark regime that is damaging every area of our modern lives.

All in all, I'm very confident in him and think he will make a massive impact on showing the transgressions of our inequitous government.



10-11-2003 12:20:48

I agree. I especially like his 'thriller' abum but his recent stuff has been rubbish. Best song - dont stop till you get enough.


10-11-2003 13:10:11

I think your confusing him with Justin Timberlake

Alex B

07-12-2003 14:31:11

Hummm. I dunno enough about politics to comment on the whole leadership thing really, but total lack of effective opposition party is quite probably a dangerous thing.


07-12-2003 15:45:25

And is no longer the case.


16-12-2003 23:57:32

An A-Level student writes to UK politicians, asking them if they've ever been on a skateboard, pogo stick or other equally unlikely devices. The extact list is:

(a) a skateboard;
(b) roller skates and/or blades;
(c) a space hopper;
(d) a go kart;
(e) a death slide;
(f) a non-motorised scooter;
(g) a BMX bike;
(h) or any other locomotive child's toy?

The student explains it's all to do with a bet with his dad who reckons that politicians are not as fun as they once were.


^^^^ that is Howards reply. Just thought I'd put it here for all to see.

A full list of all the replies is here: http://www.statesmanorskatesman.co.uk/fulllist.html

A fair few of them have replied, and its quite fun to look thourgh them when you're bored.