Political correctness


11-11-2003 22:54:43

What is your opinion on PC phrases? Is being politically correct more offensive? Does PCness try to further the interests of some people whilst worsening other's situations?

For example, would being called vertically challenged offend you more than being called short? Or does "mutant albino genetically recessive globally dominant ethnic minority" an offensive PC term for white person?


12-11-2003 09:50:16

I think we need to just call a spade a spade. No more euphemisms wrapped up in flowerly vocabulary. Unfortunately, I have gotten in a bit of trouble in the past for not exactly being politcally correct (I once said 'the jew' when talking to a group of Jewish lads...)

It's important though, that out of our directness we don't offend. Phrases like nigger etc should be left at home or in Bradford.



12-11-2003 13:07:54

Matt I think you are getting mixed up between political correctness and raciscm there!

Being racist is wrong and not very nice, but I think all these PC terms are a bit pathetic!


12-11-2003 13:26:34

politically correct

adj. Abbr. PC

Of, relating to, or supporting broad social, political, and educational change, especially to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.

Being or perceived as being overconcerned with such change, often to the exclusion of other matters.


12-11-2003 13:48:59

So why does the term 'racism' exist then?

What is the difference?

To me 'politcally correct' is things like vertically challenged etc. but 'nigger' is a racist term, not a politcally incorrect term. 'Short' is just a word, 'nigger' is an insult.

Do you see what I mean?


12-11-2003 16:24:49

Political correctness involves avoiding racism. It means avoiding any descruiption which the describee would find offensive.

Oh well


12-11-2003 17:49:54

JoeyJoJo wrote:SoTo me 'politcally correct' is things like vertically challenged etc. but 'nigger' is a racist term, not a politcally incorrect term. 'Short' is just a word, 'nigger' is an insult.
However if you were black, or as more often is the case in the UK an asian, and you went up to another black/asian preson and said "'sup nigger"; this would be perfectly normal and you would not expect to recieve harsh words/harsh fists in response. The inverse would apply if you were white and did the same thing to the same person.

So does that mean that some people do not need to be politically correct but others do?


12-11-2003 19:03:58

I didn't exclusively keep my comments to racism, merely I used it as an example, as 'racism' is probably at the forefront of Political Correctness.

Othersuch words we cannot use now:
  • Policeman (women can be police too aparantly)
  • Manhole (Because 'womanhole' sounds so much better...)
  • Actress (Because it's derogatory... aparantly. So, therefore, must 'mrs')
  • Deaf (Instead: Aurally impaired)
  • Blind (Instead: Visually challenged)
  • Premiership referies (see above)
  • Homosexual (Instead: queer)
  • Queer (Instead: homosexual)
  • Back tickler (Instead: Normally challenged)
  • White (Instead: oppressor)
  • McDonalds (Instead: Clown shit)
  • Drunkard (Instead: Beveragely intoxicated)
  • Northern (Instead: employmentally challenged)
  • Asleep (Instead: Consciously challenged)
Hmm, I went a bit OTT there. I've probably crossed the boundies of PC on some of the items -- but non-PC is FUNNY.

Just my tuppence.



12-11-2003 19:32:58

When we say that someone is visually impared, we would assume that the person has vision, but it is impared. Agree?

So why do we say that a blind person is visually impared when they can't see a fucking thing? It's not impared... it's non-existent.


12-11-2003 20:25:51

Would it be racist to call a black person racially challenged? Or racially impaired?


13-11-2003 09:54:32

I guess that would be the most politically correct way to say it... but i'd guess they'd hate it.


13-11-2003 10:27:50

I think further research is needed


13-11-2003 12:28:42

I like racism, it improves the bond between friends.

I'm frequently racist to my flatmate dave who is half chinese.

Its all in good fun of course.


14-11-2003 09:49:05

Same with me and rakesh!


14-11-2003 14:46:56

Rakesh is great.


17-11-2003 12:39:39


He is great

Alex B

07-12-2003 14:17:29

Anyone ever read 'The Politically Correct Bible' or 'The Politically Correct Book of Bedtime Stories'? Some bits are funny, but it just gets tiresome after a while, kind of like over-PC-ness in real life.
I think as long as people don't offend each other, then it's ok.
Personally I like the fact I'm both vertically and (frequently) directionally challenged, and don't mind being called what I am-a shortarse with no sense of direction- as long as it's being done in a friendly way.
Sometimes 'modern' descriptions can be helpful though-the whole 'visually impared' thing for example, because it can include people who are partially sighted as well as totally blind.


07-12-2003 15:31:36

That kind of thing is fine, but why not just 'sight problems' or 'a bit short'?

Let's call a spade a spade, not a garden excavation tool.