USA - election year!

Alex D

10-02-2004 00:51:08

will Bush (the utter c*ck socket) keep his position as President?

I hope to heck not, but i get the sinking feeling he just might hang in there

Alex B

10-02-2004 19:38:00

In the words of Tom Stoppard 'It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting' (Jumpers, 1972 Act 1)


11-02-2004 16:15:59

1. I hope he does - seeing people being annoyed about their leader is fun.
2. Please don't reference material on Drunkit, we prefer plaigarism.



12-02-2004 16:45:20

I'm sure a large proportion of the country would be annoyed with their leader *whoever* got in (not that I even know who the Democrat candidate is...)

I'd vote for Arnie - if anyone got angry with the States he'd say "Chill Out, Dick-Wad".



12-02-2004 22:26:09

but arnie is an austrian yeah?

Alex B

13-02-2004 00:47:16

Don't you have to be an American citizen to do political stuff over there?

Referencing-I've been spending too much time in libraries. Besides, if someone wants to correct me, they know where to find it. :-D


13-02-2004 19:14:09

Well, Arnie is an American citizen, but I think you have to be of an American birthright to be president. An opportunity missed I think.
