Alex D
24-02-2004 20:10:08
i used to run down the cycle track from old town to west swindon......the route back then was plastered with spray painted swastikas. what the fuck is the point!?
Yeah, I paint them any more though.
Keep us updated on how they do.
Surely they won't get many votes in Swindon? I've never thought that suffer from the same racial tensions as other places.
Alex B
26-02-2004 23:22:55
I had a proper conversation with a right-wing bloke the other day (Tory, not BNP though). It was really interesting. You don't meet many who can actually maintain an argument. I think I probably agreed with his viewpoints for less than 7% of the time, and there were huge holes in his examples, but it was refreshing. A little alarming though.
27-02-2004 12:37:49
I thought Torys were good?
What are the basics for each team? I know fuck all about them. All I know is BMP are the dark side of the force. And tony blair is yoda
Bah, I resent Alex's comments.
I'm yet to hear a decent left-wing approach on how to make any country better in a practical world, without any 'ideal' situations. It's not by chance that properly left-wing governments don't tend to be voted in - they usually seize power!
Alex B
10-03-2004 22:26:17
What's there to disagree with in that?: I had a conversation with a bloke-he had some holes in his arguments, I didn't agree with him for that much of the time, I've rarely found an extreme right-winger who could maintain an argument.
There's none of that you can disagree with, it's all fact!
Hmm, subjective opinion is fact. Interesting argument.
Left-wing is an ideal in many cases. I am yet to hear a persuasive case of centre-left ideology, let alone decidedly left-wing thoughts. I do agree that there are aspects of socialism and left-wing thinking that can be well adapted in to society and I think anyone that aligns themself strictly with a side is missing out on a lot of objective thinking. For example, social healthcare and education are both important and I know very few right-wing people that are against them.
The difference, as I see it, between left-wing and right-wing policy is very much where autonomy comes from. With right-wing placing ideology in to people and how they can then move with low burdon (low taxes to encoruage personal growth, low administration, low regulation) from the government. Whereas left-wing is more to do wtih social and community living (higher taxes to pay for services, high administration to ensure this is done well and high regulation to distribute these systems fairly). That is my understanding of it.
Give a topic here, that's 'full of holes' and we'll see how well it stands up. Stop moaning about the situation, if you can't show us an example to back it up.