28-10-2004 13:29:55
We all know about these Welsh/Scottish people who have the amazing idea to make their countries independent of the UK. It is most likely caused by some kind of racial hatred of the English, and they feel that as a Nation Wales or Scotland would be better off without England.
Most could agree that the Welsh or Scottish economy would not be particularly strong although as counties they could probably survive with foreign aid from the UK.
My proposition is this. We let the Scottish Independence Party take over Scotland as one nation, we set up proper boarder control. We remove all English armed force hardware from the country that is not paid for by the new Scottish government... this should leave them with enough guns to run the boarders and enough ships to run basic sea patrols. Why? Because they have high unemployment so tax would need to be spent on keeping the pikey population fed.
Why however do we need to limit their military might? I'll continue. For 1 year we (England) help to make Scotland a proper country, then go to a communist like border lockdown... no one can go to or from Scotland over our border, no Scotland bound flights over UK territories etc.
1 full year of this and the whole of the UK will be very pissed off with the government, so it can?t be kept up forever... not to mention that some of our allies may have something to say about it.
So to keep everyone happy we then invade Scotland. Drive in with tanks, capture cities, air strikes on targets of strategic or political/historical importance etc. Then ethnic cleansing can begin. Start off by killing the men and older (30+) women as well as any dependant children who would be unable to work in the mines. The logic behind this is that the men could form a rebellion which would use up forces that will be needed elsewhere. The natural instinct of human is to look for leadership in their elders, by removing women over 30 we remove the current potential rebellion leadership for the next 10-20 years. Any children who are too small to work will need to be fed and will not help the economy.
Those children (8-13) who remain can be sent to work in dangerous jobs, such as mining, crab fishing, and the internal cleaning of nuclear reactors.
The women that are left can be sold as slaves to other nations, be sold as slaves to the hospitality and catering industry, or be used as cannon fodder in the inevitable invasion of UN peacekeepers who will turn up to stop the genocide.
What now to do with all this spare land? Scotland can now be used as a holding facility for the swarms of immigrants. It would be anticipated that the immigration rate would probably slow down at the beginning of the genocide but we will still have quite a few to process who have been in the country for a few years.
By using a points system similar to that used by the Australian immigration office it would be possible to quickly work out which immigrants can stay, and which one's will be required to swim to Norway (closest non EU country) from the holding facilities in Scotland.
The Australian points system gives points for age, fluency in English, professional qualifications or recognised skills, and with bonus points for family connections to the UK and money in savings equal to the amount of benefits available to you for at least 3 years. It also disqualifies immigrants who turn up without a VISA, with quite a sensible basis: If you are escaping persecution in your own country, you will invariably pass through at least one other friendly country before you show up on the shores of Australia. You will be able to apply for asylum in a refugee camp of the country you are in, and then apply for Australian citizenship through the normal channels.
In the new British systems, if the applicant doesn't get the points they need then swimming lessons will be provided for a maximum of two hours before the unsuccessful applicant faces the long swim across the North sea. It will be important to get them swimming as soon as possible so as to minimise the number of appeals.
After the process is complete it will next be important to cleanse to country of all racists and fascists. All those that have taken part in the ethnic cleansing will be required to take a similar test as the illegal immigrants. The change will be that they will be required to take an intelligence test. If they pass the test this will be used in place of fluency in English, if they fail then they will be missing the marks. The pass mark will be considerably high in order to ensure that only those that are making a proper contribution to the country get to stay.
If they fail in their application to stay in the country they shall be given two days in which to make a raft and paddle, then may then seek asylum in the United States or any other country that will accept the fascist racist murders.
You may now be asking what the point of my little essay is. If someone could work it out for me I?d be very pleased indeed.
Most could agree that the Welsh or Scottish economy would not be particularly strong although as counties they could probably survive with foreign aid from the UK.
My proposition is this. We let the Scottish Independence Party take over Scotland as one nation, we set up proper boarder control. We remove all English armed force hardware from the country that is not paid for by the new Scottish government... this should leave them with enough guns to run the boarders and enough ships to run basic sea patrols. Why? Because they have high unemployment so tax would need to be spent on keeping the pikey population fed.
Why however do we need to limit their military might? I'll continue. For 1 year we (England) help to make Scotland a proper country, then go to a communist like border lockdown... no one can go to or from Scotland over our border, no Scotland bound flights over UK territories etc.
1 full year of this and the whole of the UK will be very pissed off with the government, so it can?t be kept up forever... not to mention that some of our allies may have something to say about it.
So to keep everyone happy we then invade Scotland. Drive in with tanks, capture cities, air strikes on targets of strategic or political/historical importance etc. Then ethnic cleansing can begin. Start off by killing the men and older (30+) women as well as any dependant children who would be unable to work in the mines. The logic behind this is that the men could form a rebellion which would use up forces that will be needed elsewhere. The natural instinct of human is to look for leadership in their elders, by removing women over 30 we remove the current potential rebellion leadership for the next 10-20 years. Any children who are too small to work will need to be fed and will not help the economy.
Those children (8-13) who remain can be sent to work in dangerous jobs, such as mining, crab fishing, and the internal cleaning of nuclear reactors.
The women that are left can be sold as slaves to other nations, be sold as slaves to the hospitality and catering industry, or be used as cannon fodder in the inevitable invasion of UN peacekeepers who will turn up to stop the genocide.
What now to do with all this spare land? Scotland can now be used as a holding facility for the swarms of immigrants. It would be anticipated that the immigration rate would probably slow down at the beginning of the genocide but we will still have quite a few to process who have been in the country for a few years.
By using a points system similar to that used by the Australian immigration office it would be possible to quickly work out which immigrants can stay, and which one's will be required to swim to Norway (closest non EU country) from the holding facilities in Scotland.
The Australian points system gives points for age, fluency in English, professional qualifications or recognised skills, and with bonus points for family connections to the UK and money in savings equal to the amount of benefits available to you for at least 3 years. It also disqualifies immigrants who turn up without a VISA, with quite a sensible basis: If you are escaping persecution in your own country, you will invariably pass through at least one other friendly country before you show up on the shores of Australia. You will be able to apply for asylum in a refugee camp of the country you are in, and then apply for Australian citizenship through the normal channels.
In the new British systems, if the applicant doesn't get the points they need then swimming lessons will be provided for a maximum of two hours before the unsuccessful applicant faces the long swim across the North sea. It will be important to get them swimming as soon as possible so as to minimise the number of appeals.
After the process is complete it will next be important to cleanse to country of all racists and fascists. All those that have taken part in the ethnic cleansing will be required to take a similar test as the illegal immigrants. The change will be that they will be required to take an intelligence test. If they pass the test this will be used in place of fluency in English, if they fail then they will be missing the marks. The pass mark will be considerably high in order to ensure that only those that are making a proper contribution to the country get to stay.
If they fail in their application to stay in the country they shall be given two days in which to make a raft and paddle, then may then seek asylum in the United States or any other country that will accept the fascist racist murders.
You may now be asking what the point of my little essay is. If someone could work it out for me I?d be very pleased indeed.