how many units of alcohol do you have a week


18-11-2003 23:30:49

I told the Doctor dude I drink 10 units a week. That was a spur of the moment thing because I was scared he might tell me off. Bear this in mind:

One unit of alcohol is approximately equivalent to:

• half a pint of ordinary strength beer, lager, or cider

• a quarter of a pint of strong beer or lager

• one small glass of wine

• one single measure of spirits

• one small glass of sherry

I go out twice a week. This usually involves 6 pints of beer (12) 8 measures of sprit (8,). Thats just a guess because sometimes beer slips down without you noticing or you drop it on the floor.

So thats 12+8x2=40 units.

I also have a pint of beer or two with my sunday lunch and maybe a couple before I go to bed once a week. That makes about 6 more units.

That means I drink around 46 units a week


19-11-2003 09:27:40

Thats quite a lot, maybe you should try to reduce this by drinking J2O


19-11-2003 09:38:47

j20 and vodka for me. I dont like th poll. I bet that spastic lanky suede head drinks similar amounts so we're not represented on the poll!


19-11-2003 09:48:21

My drinking goes in phases. In Swindon I only tend to go out (heavily) once a week so don't rack up too many units (maybe 25 a week?).

At VodBull most of us get through about 30 units in an hour, which can't be good for us... That only happens once a month, fortunately.

I'm taking it easy this week, no big plans until Saturday night, when Chris Ward is bringing loads of his mates (Ian Neave, Simon - don't know if you know this crowd?) up to Brum for birthday celebrations!



19-11-2003 09:54:10



19-11-2003 09:56:21

oh and thats not every week. Sometimes i dont drink in the week and sometimes I only go out once or none :roll:


19-11-2003 10:35:15

I'm drinking significantly less these days. Perhaps 9 units this week?

I've had:
  • 2 bottles of Stella (1.7 x 2) = 3.4
    6 pints of 5% beer down the pub or at home (2.6 x 6) = 15.6
19 units

Hmm, perhaps more than I thought! That's incredibel. Having said that, I could pack that much away in an evening and then go to Mission... Thankfully, I don't.


Alex B

07-12-2003 19:37:56

What's supposed to be the recommended levels? 21 for men, 14 for women I do believe....
Not sure what my weekly average would be given that most weeks I don't drink, though I do drink more than when I went to uni-probably about once a month.
Does this mean I have to relinquish my position as Drunkit's pet tee-totaler?


07-12-2003 20:15:33

21 units a week?

That's quite a lot... That's 3 units a day, or two pints.


Alex B

10-12-2003 17:51:28

Seems quite a lot when you say two pints a night, but most people don't drink every night, but all in one go eg. Sam and Matt G racking up 30 in an hour on a Vodbull night.