On A Hot Day Like Today


15-07-2003 12:08:17

I'm not normally a big lager drinker, tend to stick to ale and slag off anyone dwho rinks 'Rat's Piss'.

However, I don't think it is possible for any drink to taste as great as a cold lager on a hot day.

I was at Leigh's playing table tennis on Saturday - it was baking hot, we were outside with the Sun beating down on us. Leigh had been prepared and put some bottles of Grolsch in the fridge beforehand.

Can't recreate how good it tasted!


PS - this doesn't mean I'm going off real beer!


15-07-2003 17:39:42

I quiet agree... Grolsch etc are nice when it is cold and you're hot... they just disappear.

Magic. No wonder they do so well on the hot continent.



16-07-2003 09:37:30

I like lager when its not hot, but it is true that nothing can match a nice cold lager in the heat.

Becks is particularly refreshng I fnd.

mmm Becks


16-07-2003 12:28:05

Real beer for me every time.

Although I'll drink nice lager too... i.e. not Carling/Fosters/etc. They're just cruel.



16-07-2003 12:40:23

I enjoy a nice cruel larger in the sun


16-07-2003 19:24:35

I had a 660ml bottle of Stella when I came home from Old Town earlier in the boiling heat. Was one of the best drinking experiences ever.

Almost as good as Tennents Super.



16-07-2003 20:16:48

Why dont you just have a pre mission park bench on which to glug your brew? till you get moved on anyway


16-07-2003 20:33:27

Actually, we were honestly talking about this in a genuine way last night.

We wanted to go down the rec to drink tennents + cider + ribena.

Would be amazing!



18-07-2003 11:45:27

Lager, ale, Jd and coke. Its all super stuff. Does the trick!

Ale is the beer that I fins easiest to drink. Lager makes me a bit sick after too much. But Lager in the sun is amazing!