Worst Hangovers?


20-07-2003 12:23:49

What do you think gives you the mingingingingingingest hangovers?

I have to go for VK energy. Lord those things rot your guts!

If you vote please provide some text to back up your argument. 8)


20-07-2003 15:11:27

Beer. 10 beers is far worse than 10 VKs.


20-07-2003 15:19:49

nuff said


21-07-2003 14:55:20

VK is the worst by an absolute mile. I don't feel the effects of beer too much the next day. Have a good breakfast and a few pints of water and I'll be fine.

Too many alcopops though, and my belly won't stop churning until Saturday morning. All that sugar and chemical crap upsets me, makes me feel sick.

I try to avoid energy drinks at all costs, apart from VodBull when severe overdoses are required.



21-07-2003 17:47:22

I think maybe i was a bit quick to vote, remembering back to the early days of uni where we would get in the club and stay at the bar till we had drank 10 vks. we did it every week without fail and every week about an hour after this we would all feel really ill with stabbing pains. still it was only vk and becks they served for a pound.
And no one likes becks


21-07-2003 20:26:28

I agree, VK/Alcopops are the suck.

Becks is alright, so long as it's proper becks.

I am enjoying a cold London Pride after a long day at work...



22-07-2003 07:37:23

Becks is superb, my favourite beer possibly.


22-07-2003 11:01:11

I don't think I get hangovers normally, as lack of sleep hunts me down way before the alcohol does.

However, VK just fucks me up.

Alex B

07-08-2003 22:22:10

I don't get hangovers because I don't generally drink. This isn't to say I don't suffer from sleep deprivation and smoke-stung eyes etc after going out.
I also seem to occasionally get other people's hangovers- just randomly wake up feeling crap. Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon, or am I just unlucky?