I've just decided I'm going to start brewing my own beer.
I'll get my Dad to drive us to Highworth where there's a beer shop, and I'll investigate the options.
I reckon it's a great idea, I'll report back with my findings (not sure when we'll be able to get there though). Then we could all do our own and have tasting sessions!
22-07-2003 22:08:42
Eek. Sounds like the Andrew Mattock situation. It was a little thick!
I made homebrew once... one was 2% the other, I decided to make a little stronger, and was 11%
Top stuff. Was like wine. Smashing.
Me and my flat mates are probably going to do homebrew next year at uni. Hope it works out ok.
There's a brewing shop down the road called "brewer's droop".
We're brewing next year too, except only two of us like ale and only three of us drink.
Should be interesting.
23-07-2003 11:58:27
So you're living with losers?
Yeah, I might as well be living with Mike.
you WISH you were living with me!
So are your folks REALLY not drinking alcohol at Uni?
That's a bit unusual, although I'm sure they're all very healthy and rich because of it.
My housemates are all certified alkies.
One of them thinks two pints is pushing it. The other one drinks Carling. The last one drinks whisky, but is always too pissed to go out by the time he's finished drinking. Quite funny really, taking a drunk person out to get drunk.