Failed Experiments


24-07-2003 07:49:02

Me and my friends once made a "bloody sunday" this was a drink which was half guiness half tomato juice, it was quite rank (not toally).

Any suggestions as to how I can make a drink of this name that isn't rank (as it is a very witty name)

note drink must be partly Irish and partly tomato juice.


24-07-2003 08:02:34

Try adding a dash of Bailey's, that's bound to make it delicious!

A healthy splash of Irish Whiskey never harmed anything either.

How about tomato joice and whiskey? Hard to predict what it would be like.



24-07-2003 08:18:05

would need to be rish whsky, but in priniple it seems rank, but it might work, baileys and tomato juice seems slightly better.

What other irsh drinks are there?


24-07-2003 08:31:16

Caffreys, Kilkenny, Harp Lager, Beamish off the top of my head - sure there are loads more.

None are really geared up for mixing with tomato juice though...



24-07-2003 09:00:14

Sadly I think you're right.

damn it

ok, so what else is red?

Grenadine, Red wine, Blackcurrant, but none of those seem particularly bloody. This might yet be a dailed idea.


24-07-2003 09:12:29

Harp Lager with a dash of blackcurrent juice would be tasty, red and Irish.

Not especially 'bloody' though.



24-07-2003 10:14:55

Beamish RED and Guinness!



Alex B

07-08-2003 22:16:36

For a bloody Irish drinking experience, may I recommend going out drinking (anything, though she'd probably prefer Guinness) with my mate Joan, then making jokes about Ireland/lesbians/her surname (Lennon).
This will ensure:
a) There will be blood about
b) You won't remember much of teh evening when you wake up the next morning.

To fully fulfil the list of criteria, you could do this on a Sunday.

This isn't meant to imply that Joan's not a lovely girl, she's adorable. This view is shared by pretty much everyone who knows her, even those she's had to smack between the eyes for failing to show due respect to the subjects listed above.


08-08-2003 08:21:56

Somebody who is that violent over the petty issue of words said over a pub table is clearly not deserving of civilised company.

Nobody ever has to hit anyone for any reason other than being hit themselves.


08-08-2003 10:04:36

I agree.

Mad attacking pub people are worthy only of second class company.


Alex B

07-12-2003 19:57:42

Oh Joan's not picky, the words don't have to be said over a pub table, and she doesn't hit people for serious reasons.


07-12-2003 20:39:33

So ireland should not be taken seriously?

Alex B

03-02-2004 00:50:10

I think even Joany would agree that there is a LOT of Ireland whic it would be a very great mistake to take seriously.


28-10-2004 15:08:35

how about not using tom juice? there are other red drinks like tizer that would make it red and wouldn't make it taste like shit.